Huddersfield Feral and Strays was set up on 31/12/2016 after assisting to trap, neuter and re-home a feral colony of cats at Springwood, Huddersfield. It soon became clear that there was a lack of support and resources within Huddersfield and the surrounding areas to assist stray and feral cats.
Huddersfield Feral and Strays was quickly formed by a group of 5 like-minded individuals who decided this gap needed to be filled. Since then, we have been inundated with requests about stray cats and other feral colonies which needed helping.
On a daily basis, we are contacted by members of the public and local vets to help stray, unwanted, abused or feral cats. Our aim is to help any stray or feral cat within the Huddersfield area. We catch, neuter, vaccinate, microchip, and cover any vet treatments needed, for all the cats we work with.
The stray cats are re-homed as pets through our re-homing page and the feral cats are placed on sites such as stables or farms where they are free to roam but in a safe environment.

All the cats are cared for in foster homes where they are able to receive any vet care needed and plenty of loving care. Many of the cats we help have been through a lot and our fosterers volunteer their time and homes in order to give the cats the proper care they deserve. Within the first 3 months, we helped over 70 cats. All of which are now happy and safe in their forever homes. Within 2 years we obtained registered charity status. Six years on and we have helped over 2330 Cats and kittens and currently have over 40 in foster care, all who are waiting for their forever homes.
We can assist with feral and stray trapping and neutering. We can lend traps if needed and can provide assistance when possible.
Our Facebook group link HuddsFeralandStrays
Below are the images from some of our trapping locations. This gives you an idea of what we as a team are up against on a regular basis.
Homes For Kitties Huddersfield
We setup the Homes for Kitties Huddersfield group to enable people to look at our rescue cats who were ready to be rehomed. We perform home checks and always try and match the perfect cat with the perfect home.
If you are interested in adopting one of our beautiful cats or kittens, please visit our Facebook page: catsforhomeshuddersfield

Lost and Found
There is an ever-increasing need for lost and found sites and our sites have achieved some great results thanks to the power of social media and our determined members.
Lost Animals
If you have lost your animal please visit our Facebook group, Join, create a post, add pictures and details so we can raise awareness straight away. Lost and Found Pets in Huddersfield (Hudds Ferals)
Found Animals
if you have found an animal and it is injured please either take it to a vet straight away or contact the RSPCA on (0300 1234 999)
If you suspect the animal to be a stray, please try and take it to a vet for a microchip scan. If the animal is not chipped, we recommend using a Cat_Collar with your contact details on to find the owner before removing it from its environment. RSPCA cat paper collar template can be found below.
Please also post pictures and details on our lost and found site Lost and Found Pets in Huddersfield (Hudds Ferals)